Quarter one is finally over! This quarter has been very interesting for me in AP Lit. There were times were I felt like giving in and there we times were i felt wow is how its going to be once I get to college. This quarter has challenged me to think in new ways that I didn't even think was possible for me. It has opened my mind up into a new way of thinking and now reading a novel, poem, or play isn't just regular reading. It's more than just reading, there is annotating, Socratic seminars, and also TPCASTing(which I hated). I think out of the three i really enjoyed annotating it gave me the sense that I actually understand what I read.
My weakness throughout this quarter would definitely have to be, finding it hard to write an essay without getting stuck or contradicting myself. I would get frustrated and tired of thinking, mostly because of procrastinating and waiting to finally write my paper on a sunday night. Which of cousre led to a not so good paper. My favorite thing that I learned was how to write a college paper. It gave me a sense to how college writing is going to be and what professors look for in your paper. The handout that was given out was really helpful and didatic. It broke down step by step of how your paper should be. It explains the do's and don'ts when writing a paper. I know with the continuation and erudition of keepin up with this process, my papers will be on the level that i want them to be on. I am really looking for forward to this quarter and what it has to offer. Know that I am aware of the mistake that I have commited I can work hard to improve and correct them. Hopfully I can master all these skills by the time I graduate.
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