Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quarter 3 Reflection

Wow, third quarter is over already and this seniorittis has ready stared kicking in. Just a couple of months ago it was second quarter and now we already in the fourth quarter and getting closer and closer to graduation. I would have to say that third quarter was the best that i have done well in so far in this AP course. Reason being said is because I feel as though i have really improved on my writing skills which I think has made an enormous change from the first essay in this class.  A book that I absolutely enjoyed reading was Their Eyes Were Watching God. For one thing this book is really interesting and is defiantly a must read. It show the hardships of what African American had to go threw just to prove that a black man can do anything a white man can do. Moving on to a even greater matter-the AP Lit is in approximatively  5 weeks and feel like im just halfway ready. I lack strength in the literary analysis timed write area of the test and feel like my main focus should be in that area in order to attain a good score. I feel quite comfortable with the terminology used now that I am familiar with it and also the multiple choice section of the test. Overall I have a lot of practice and reviewing to do till the test. Till the the time comes i will practice practice practice!!! At the same time not forgetting that I still have to be alert that fourth quarter will be over that I know it.